Student Guardian Visa (SC590)
Student guardian visa allows parents or guardian to come to Australia provide care and support for a student visa holder who is under 18 years of age (or over 18 in exceptional circumstances)

To be eligible for student visa
To be eligible for student visa, the applicant must:
1) be the student’s parent, or guardian who is 21 years or older
2) have enough money to support yourself and the student during your stay
3) be able to provide accommodation, welfare and other support
4) Be a genuine temporary entrant
5) Have adequate health insurance
6) Meet health requirement
7) Meet character requirement
8) Be inside or outside Australia
9) Sign Australian value statement
10) Be in the best interest of the child
- The length of your visa will be determined by the student visa holder’s stay and their age.
- Following applicant could be considered as student guardian
- parent,
- legal custodian or
- relative over 21 years of age.
- This visa can be applied in Australia if you hold a substantive visa except for one of these:
- Domestic Worker (Temporary) Diplomatic and Consular visa (subclass 426)
- Temporary Work (International Relations) visa (subclass 403) in the Domestic Worker (Diplomatic or consular) stream
- Diplomatic (Temporary) visa (subclass 995) – primary visa holder only. A family member of a Diplomatic (Temporary) visa (subclass 995) can apply for a student visa in Australia
- Transit visa (subclass 771)
- Visitor visa (subclass 600) in the Sponsored Family stream or in the Approved Destination Status stream
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